As the waste management and recycling industry grows rapidly in response to environmental concerns, RMP look at the significant risks to local authorities, their staff and or contractors, and members of the public.
Seven years and seven months after the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse was established under the Inquiries Act 2005, its final report was published on 20 October 2022, setting out the Inquiry’s overarching recommendations and findings. This publication sees the conclusion to an ambitious and mammoth Inquiry and follows 325 days of public hearings, evidence from 725 witnesses, and consideration of almost 2.5 million pages of evidence. The final report is the culmination of evidence amassed following 19 investigation reports, 24 research reports, one interim report, and 87 recommendations for change. The Inquiry’s final conclusions and recommendations are pivotal to all establishments that work with and have a responsibility for children. For those institutions, the ramifications, significance, and pertinence of
this report should not be underestimated.
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