FP Admin

August 5, 2016

The pothole that swallowed a van

At 10 feet long and more than a foot deep, a pothole in the East Sussex village of Framfield is believed to be the largest in the UK. It’s given the residents and local council a headache to match.
July 29, 2016

Let’s go fly a slide

While we love to complain about the weather, it’s rarely about anything serious. Some drizzle here, or some mugginess there is about the extent of it. But last month, the locals of Lincolnshire contended with more dramatic conditions, as what was described as a ‘mini-tornado’ ripped its way through a children’s funfair.
July 25, 2016

At home with the eco-warriors

Who would have thought that could you reduce your carbon footprint by working in your slippers? According to the Home 2025 project, homeworking could do just that.
July 15, 2016

Human traffic cones caught on camera

Kingston Police have been using Twitter to remind the public that although they might be in uniform, police officers have still got a sense of humour. UK police forces are prepared to face risks every day, which probably makes the light-hearted moments all the more welcome.
July 8, 2016

Managing risks in children’s services

Our partner Alarm is launching an essential guide to children’s services risk management, accompanied by a series of seminars.
June 29, 2016

Man outsources his day job to China

It's a worst-case scenario for most people: there's someone else in China who can do your job for about one-fifth of your salary, and your boss absolutely loves his work.
June 20, 2016

Knowledge is power

We believe the key to effective risk management is knowing where you are exposed and how to protect yourself from potential claims. We empower public sector risk managers with the right knowledge and the right cover.
June 1, 2016

RMP + Ecclesiastical = the best of both

We are delighted to announce that in partnership with Ecclesiastical, we now offer an exclusive insurance and risk management programme to further education colleges across the UK. It is designed to support colleges’ specific needs with specialist cover and award-winning service.
May 31, 2016

The UK’s most perilous professions

142 worker deaths were reported in the UK in the year 2014/15. Falls from height accounted for nearly 3 in 10 fatal injuries to workers. From the report published by HSE it transpires that paragliding instructors, mountain rangers and skyscraper window cleaners are not the most dangerous jobs in the UK.