FP Admin

September 20, 2023

North Yorkshire council takes a TikTok time out

Is the Parliament ban of TikTok use on all work devices an overreaction or a step in the right direction?
September 6, 2023

How hop on, hop off learning is the future of higher education

The Lifelong Loan Entitlement (LLE) has the power to transform student finance. This blog tells you all about the flexible student finance future. Give it a read...
August 24, 2023

Higher education sector raises student mental health support standards

This piece takes a look at how government funding is bringing a ‘whole university’ approach to higher education support systems.
August 10, 2023

The MDLs: plugging the holes in the digital lifeboat

This blog dives into the Minimum Digital Living Standard – a digital benchmark to make sure no household gets left behind...
July 26, 2023

Are we ready for AI in everyday policing?

It’s only a matter of time until AI technologies are standard practice for the police force. Discover more in our blog.
March 28, 2023

Power up your risk strategy with the RMP Risk Portal

Read below to find out more about our new Risk Portal.
January 31, 2023

Running the blue light

Fleet risk and insurance form an important part of a police force's portfolio. For insurers it's a crucial consideration when road emergency response puts life at risk, with increasingly high casualty claims.
January 16, 2023

Meet R;pple, the suicide prevention pop-up

R;pple is a pop-up that shows up when people search harmful content, signposting them over to 24/7 free, mental health support.
December 21, 2022

Commercial property investments

A Government ban on new commercial investments for yield, and a property sector changed forever by the pandemic, will impact on council income and local regeneration.