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July 8, 2016

Managing risks in children’s services

Our partner Alarm is launching an essential guide to children’s services risk management, accompanied by a series of seminars.
June 29, 2016

Man outsources his day job to China

It's a worst-case scenario for most people: there's someone else in China who can do your job for about one-fifth of your salary, and your boss absolutely loves his work.
June 20, 2016

Knowledge is power

We believe the key to effective risk management is knowing where you are exposed and how to protect yourself from potential claims. We empower public sector risk managers with the right knowledge and the right cover.
June 1, 2016

RMP + Ecclesiastical = the best of both

We are delighted to announce that in partnership with Ecclesiastical, we now offer an exclusive insurance and risk management programme to further education colleges across the UK. It is designed to support colleges’ specific needs with specialist cover and award-winning service.
May 31, 2016

The UK’s most perilous professions

142 worker deaths were reported in the UK in the year 2014/15. Falls from height accounted for nearly 3 in 10 fatal injuries to workers. From the report published by HSE it transpires that paragliding instructors, mountain rangers and skyscraper window cleaners are not the most dangerous jobs in the UK.
May 24, 2016

Fire-breathing dragons springing to life

Pyrotechnics are a showstopper, guaranteed to excite audiences and incite awe. The most outstanding fire spectacle is the legendary creature flaunting its fiery quirk. To bring the legendary creature to life, it takes a team of skilled designers, architects and most importantly, pyrotechnicians.
April 18, 2016

The partnership of the year

Nearly 400 international risk leaders came together in London for The Institute of Risk Management’s 2016 Global Risk Awards. The ceremony was a wonderful testimony to the achievements made within the risk management sector over the past year, and to top off the celebrations we came away with an award!
March 29, 2016

A cold day for monkey business

Inspections on boilers and other electrical equipment can help to decrease the risks to health and safety posed by faulty equipment. A broken boiler during winter is a bit of a bother, and if not checked, can become a risk. However, if your boiler should break at work or at home, a few layers and a kettle of boiling water can be a good temporary fix.
March 16, 2016

Top 5 time-wasting calls to the UK’s emergency services

In an emergency time is of the essence. Quick response can mean the difference between a minor incident and a major disaster. Time-wasters are a serious concern as they impede on the emergency services responding to those in grave danger.